Graduate research


As part of my Canada Research Chair in Climate Dynamics I have an extensive research program on several aspects of climate science.

Our team has fellowships available for graduate students at the Doctorate level. PhD and MSc degrees are granted through Memorial University of Newfoundland. An MSc. degree is available also at the Department of Earth Sciences at StFX. The research areas are varied and include topics such as borehole climatology, climate change and dynamical downscaling, biogeochemistry and land surface models.

I am also part of a number of multidisciplinary initiatives that involve co-supervision of PhD and MSc. students with my collaborators.

Students interested in a PhD should contact me directly by email at

MSc students applicants should have a Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Physical Geography, Environmental Sciences or a suitable discipline to accomplish the research leading to the M.Sc.  Only those students with external awards or with my financial support will be accepted in my research programs. MSc. students receiving financial support will be guaranteed at least $17,000 CAN per year of study. MSc application forms and general admission requirements are available from the St.FX Graduate Studies webpage. Tuition waivers for Canadian and International MSc students at StFX are not assured, but they are possible.

We speak English, French and Spanish.

For inquires, interested students should contact me directly by email at or regular mail at:

Mailing Address:

Hugo Beltrami

Department of Earth Sciences

Physical Sciences Complex

St. Francis Xavier University

1 West Street

Antigonish, Nova Scotia

Canada , B2G 2W5.


Graduate research & Research Fellowships